Travel Tip – Toothpaste all the Time!

Toothpaste Travel Tip - Hammer Sparkle Chalk

If you have been wondering where I have been, well, I have been all over the place traveling for a couple of weeks and it has taken me away from my beloved blog. Good news. I am back at it today!

With taxis, airplanes, hotels, and meetings; anything to make a trip a little easier is a must. As I was traveling I created a list to share with you of some of the things I do to make the trip just that much smoother.

Toothpaste Travel Tip - Hammer Sparkle ChalkToday, we are going to talk about toothpaste. Yep, you heard me right, toothpaste. It is one of those must have items in your liquids bag for travel – not just for you, but the people around you appreciate it too. The most annoying part about the little tubes is they run out too quickly (and by that I mean after a couple of trips and I forgot to buy another one so I am out of toothpaste) and they never seem to make it in my shopping cart the next time I am at the store.

Toothpaste Travel Tip - Hammer Sparkle ChalkThis was always my problem, running out of toothpaste at inopportune times…until…(drum roll please) I discovered the tubes are refillable! WHAT!?! Refillable? Yep, it works and I am going to teach you how. Now you will never run out of toothpaste while traveling again because you refilled your small tube at home before you left. No trips to the store required.

It is simple, really. You see, the ends of the travel sized toothpaste tube and the regular tube you keep in your bathroom have the same size tip. This makes it super easy to transfer the paste from one tube into the other. All you need to remember is to line up the ends perfectly and then squeeze from one into the other. Seriously, that’s it.

Toothpaste Travel Tip - Hammer Sparkle Chalk Toothpaste Travel Tip - Hammer Sparkle Chalk Toothpaste Travel Tip - Hammer Sparkle Chalk

A Couple Pro Tips:

  • Keep the ends touching – by maintaining a slow consistent pressure and keeping the ends touching you shouldn’t get too much overflow of toothpaste.
  • It may take a couple of times to refill the small tube. No worries, it usually takes me about three times of readjusting the toothpaste in the larger tube to refill the little tube.

Toothpaste Travel Tip - Hammer Sparkle ChalkEnjoy this simple travel tip to keep your breath smelling fresh and your pockets with a little extra cash (because you aren’t buying many small tubes of toothpaste on a regular basis).

What do you find to be your biggest travel challenge? I want to help you figure out a great solution.

Travel smart! XO – Olivia